February 26, 2010

Hopped Off the Tracks IPA

The lady and I braved the cold temperatures and brisk wind to go and try a new beer they just tapped at the Boylan Bridge Brewpub called Hopped Off the Tracks IPA. The walk over to the brewpub just readied us for a quick remedy that can only be found in a large pint. While the cold winter night may have called for a darker beer I went against my better judgement and ordered the IPA first.
The freshly pulled pint had a nice amber to caramel color with a healthy head and minimal piney aroma. The first sip (er - gulp) of the beer left me wanting for a bit more. It resembling something a little more along the style of an american ESB than an IPA. The bittering hops used in the brew was in the range of an IPA but the sweet balance you would expect had been replaced by a malty backbone. All that being said it was a tasty beer... just don't expect your typically styled IPA.

Rating: In a 5 beer session, I would happily drink 2 1/2 of these babies.


  1. You're making me thirsty. Is 2:37 too early?

    Happy early birthday, Big Dadddy Dongles!

  2. Awesome!!! Now that my lady friend can drink again, we may have to make a trip to the ol' watering hole.
